
Our program partners and funders who make our work possible

Program Partners

K-12 Education

Akomawt Educational Initiative

Boston Public Schools

Collaborative for Educational Services

Mapparium/Mary Baker Eddy Library

Upstanders Project


Boston Research Center

Fred W. Smith National Library at Mount Vernon

MIT Department of Urban Studies & Planning, Data + Feminism Lab

Massachusetts Historical Society


We are grateful to institutions who have made our work possible through their support in 2020-2021.

Major Support

Council on Library and Information Resources

Boston Public Library

Boston Public Library Fund

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Iron Mountain

Mapping Boston Foundation

National Endowment for the Humanities


The Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation

The Associates of the Boston Public Library

Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources, Eastern Region

MacLean Foundation

Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities

Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub

Schrafft Charitable Trust